Sunday, June 7, 2009


Child Support Lawyer

Along with child custody decisions comes child support matters and the process of concocting these agreements is often just as fierce. A child support lawyer is able to help calculate the factors that the courts will analyze, such as the financial status of the custodial and non-custodial parent, the needs of the child, etc. and can present an agreement that is fair to you.
Individual states have different rules governing the paying and allocating of child support. Your child support lawyer must understand that every situation has its own specific conditions, many of which are difficult to quantify in a court of law. He or she must work with you to present your economic situation to the court in order to demonstrate an appropriate level of child support. While this amount will depend on the number of children, financial wellbeing of both spouses, and unique conditions such as health and education deserve special consideration as well.
Child support lawyers are also used to pursue “deadbeat parents” and bring them to court. It is shameful when a parent refuses to acknowledge their responsibility when it comes to raising a child, but in the United States it is against the law to shirk the financial obligation of child support, and the penalties for this crime range from wage garnishment, to loss of driver’s or other state issued licenses, and even imprisonment in some cases.

Choosing the right child support lawyer can be the most important decision you ever make. Financial battles are not uncommon in even the most civil divorces, but those that center around children can be fraught with emotional overtones that can further complicate a separation. A dedicated and compassionate child support attorney will help you make sure that your situation will reflect the love you have for your children.

Contact an experienced child support lawyer today.

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