Friday, December 26, 2008

Real Christmess

Well I hope everyone had a good Christmas, that celebrates it on the December 25th.
I this year have decided to celebrate it on the correct date of January 7th. Some of you are probably scratching your heads wondering what is he talking about? Well like I said I am a history buff and found out the truth about Christmas. Over the past several hundreds of years what started out as a celebration of Jesus Christ birth. Has turned into a materialists greed fest I am sick and disgusted with it like many other. So I did some research and this is what I found out.

Christmas Story: General Introduction

The Christmas story is the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in the town of Bethlehem, Israel. Jesus "Christ" is known as the founder or central figure of "Christianity." Christmas is a Christian holiday on December 25 that commemorates the birth of Jesus. Ancient Romans also commemorated Jesus' birth by marking a division of the calendar still in use today. The years before Jesus' birth are marked as B.C. (Before Christ), and the years after Jesus' birth are marked A.D. (Anno Domini, which means, in the year of our Lord).
Christmas literally means the Mass (celebration) of Christ. "Christ" is a Greek word and title, meaning "anointed" or one set apart by God for a special purpose. "Christ" is equivalent to the Hebrew word "Messiah." Based on the words of ancient prophets, the first century Jewish people expected the arrival of the Messiah promised by God as a great deliver of the people.

The Great Schism

The doctrine of the Christian Church was established over the centuries at Councils dating from as early as 325CE where the leaders from all the Christian communities were represented. The Eastern Church recognizes the authority of the Councils of Nicea 325 CE, Constantinople I (381), Ephesus (431) Chalcedon (451) Constantinople II (553), Constantinople III (680) and Nicaea II (787).
Although initially the Eastern and Western Christians shared the same faith, the two traditions began to divide after the seventh Ecumenical Council in 787 CE and is commonly believed to have finally split over the conflict with Rome in the so called Great Schism in 1054.
In particular this happened over the papal claim to supreme authority and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. The break became final with the failure of the Council of Florence in the fifteenth century.
However, in the minds of most Orthodox, a decisive moment was the sack of Constantinople in 1204 during the (Western Christian) Fourth Crusade. The sacking of Constantinople by the Crusaders eventually led to the loss of this Byzantine capital to the Muslim Ottomans in 1453. This has never been forgotten.
The divisions between the East and Western Churches happened gradually over the centuries as the Roman Empire fragmented.
Eventually, while the Eastern Churches maintained the principle that the Church should keep to the local language of the community, Latin became the language of the Western Church.
Until the schism the five great patriarchal sees were Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. After the break with Rome Orthodoxy became 'Eastern' and the dominant expression of Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean, much of Asia Minor, Russian and Balkans.

Most Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on 7 January each year, according to the Julian (or Old Calendar) such as those in Russia, Serbia, Jerusalem, but some others celebrate it on 25 December, according to the Gregorian (or new calendar) such as those in many Western countries.

So with all that said you can figure out we have been living a lie. As to what the true date of Christmas is. Set forth by Romans and the power of greed. I chose not to follow this lie no more. I do encourage you to research this. And maybe open the eyes of many as mine have been opened.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Planing A Will

Here is some important information on how to go about preparing a will. I give this advise freely in hopes it may help others. And for those that may ask how old should one be before they create a Will? The answer is 18 and up. You can always change and update it as you grow older.

1. Have or hire a good attorney in the area that you live. The cost can range any where from a couple hundred dollars, up to a couple thousand dollars or more. This all depends on several factors. Which could range from size of estate, additional court fees, and added existences.

2. The laws for Wills differ from state to state. Learn them for your state. So you are not surprised later when your love one dies.

3. If unable to afford a attorney there are other means and tools out there for you to create a Will from. (Make sure these forms or methods are legally excepted in your state.)
Such as soft ware for you to use on your home PC. There are very simple Will kits that you can buy at your local office supplies stores. And there are Web site's that provide services too.

4. Keep copies of all important paper work with your Will. Have them stored in a safe place like a safety deposit box. Make sure your lawyer has a copy in his office. Make some copies to keep in your home and with designated friends and family. With many copies the likely hood of it disappearing is zero.

5. Have some type of life insurance, and or a prepaid funeral package. This will guarantee two things. One your wishes will be carried out in regards of type of serves you want. Two it will not leave a financial mess on your family members.


Hear is info on Alcohol Treatment, that I found on line.


Alcohol rehab is a place where an individual who is struggling with alcoholism can receive help. Rehab is a program that helps the individual with their alcohol addiction and provides them with the tools necessary for a complete recovery. Alcohol rehabs work for many people who have problems with alcohol abuse, but longer term programs are much more successful than short term. Just like any other drug of abuse, the individual has to be committed to make a change for the better. Some people stop drinking and remain sober permanently, while others have long periods of sobriety with bouts of relapse. Some individuals have difficulty staying sober for any length of time.

We are here to help you find the alcohol rehab that will assist you in staying sober permanently! Our staff of Addiction Specialists can help you find programs that are not only licensed, accredited, and reputable, but most importantly, successful!Call us toll free at : (877) 554-7308

Moms Estate

As I said in my blog labeled Wills, I would list what mom had for a estate.
As for money mom had less then $2,200.00 dollars to her name. That consisted of 3 un cashed pay checks, a Tax refund check, and under $300.00 in the bank.

As for property mom did not own a house she rented. I believe she said she was paying $750.00 a month, nothing included.
As for owning a car? She did own one, last seen when Sperm Donor, took it out of state. As to were it is now or who has it is unknown.

Any jewels. or family heir looms. Sperm Donor took them when he ransacked moms room, and I walked in on him and his Ho. Where did they take it? Pawn shop most likely. He need cash to pay his June child support or risk going to jail for 30 days.

As for moms cell phone, which I bought and payed for monthly. Sperm Donor. took it from moms pocket book the day she went out in ambulance. Along with or Id and bank card. Their was also some cash est to be about $30.00. I did not recover the Phone till 4 days after. Sperm Donor, decide to hand it over to John. I soon learned that during those 4 days he ran my mothers cell bill over $700.00. I got stuck paying for the mess. I let John keep the phone and I payed for the bill up to November of this year. I could not afford to after that. Beside John has another phone and is not with out.

As for the furniture and personal belonging of moms home. They were pretty much divided between John and Sperm Donor. My mothers computer and printer, which I bought her was given to my late step sisters oldest daughter. Moms stereo was given to aunt NO Toes youngest daughter. I only took what mom said I could have when her day came. That was two things. The statue of the Virgin Mary, and a enclosed frame with a cross and flowers. These came from my Grand mothers home. I also took a couple of small items I had made her from when I was in school.

Mom also had a lot of nicknack's of Angels, and Dream Caters. Every one in the family took one to remember her by. As for documents and family photos. I originally planed on keeping them to sort threw and distribute threw out the family. But my step sister Nose Up Her Ass, asked if she could help. I said sure, not knowing what her true intentions were. It end up that she took 95% of photos and took documents pertaining to moms elapsed Life insurance Policy. To this day I and most of the family have not seen a copy or even original photos returned to any of us. As for documents she claims to not have them. How convent because if they were to surface they would show Sperm Donor lied. It would also prove I was telling truth the hole time. And of course would make them all look dam foolish for believing a convicted fell en.

As for moms bills. She had Thousands of dollars worth. Stemming from credit card debt, utility's,and her funeral bill. No one in the family helped with the cost of the funeral except I and Eileen. I am stuck with funeral bill. I do know that a couple of cousins made donations in moms name to The American Hart Association. But what about her other sister? Not one dam penny in regards to the funeral cost. Well I need to get going. I will blog about the day they trashed my mothers funeral soon.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Photo of mom

Well I normally post early in the day. But today was a busy day for me. So instead I will just post a photo of mom from when she was in High school.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Importants of having a Will

Today's blog is going to be about the importance of having a Will in place.
This helps the living relatives and friends, of the one who's past finalize their Last requests and wishes. It also gives a living voice to the deceased. Having a Will, Medical Proxy's, and Life insurance, helps deal with mostof the matters at hand. Each state has different laws when it comes to a dead persons estate, weather with a will or not. Not having a Will in place can make it quite difficult and costly for the living relatives. Thus creating road blocks to help settle any final debts owed by the love one who has past. It can open up a window of hate and greed with in the family.

This is quite true in the case of my family. Even tho my mother had told me and others what her wishes were for the most part. Some in the family decide not to respect them at all. The question a outsider of the family would ask is why? I am sure there are a few reasons why they have done this. But the one that stands at the front of my mind is pure greed. And what fed this greed was a lie my youngest brother, Sperm Donor told them all. He told them all that I cashed in a $80,000.00 life insurance policy on mom. This is not true for that policy elapsed due to him a year before her death.

Here are my thought about the following members who were, and some who still are involved with this lie. My aunt NO Toes and her husband One Ton, have done it to make money at some one ells experience. One Ton is no stranger to such tactics. The Reason for doing this may be financial difficulty with their home mortgage, and bills? Only aunt No Toes works, he dose not.

As for my step sister, Nose Up Her Ass, I think she was involved because she was blinded by lies and hate. And maybe also due to some financial difficulty's?

As for Sperm Donor. He did this so he could be the center of attention, and to continue to get a free ride. Also to divide the family on many levels. Their are a few others, involved or had been involved. But they have never been Key player's like the ones I listed here.

Others in my family like my Aunt Eileen, have seen or have herd about some of these things. Weather from I or others. And in some cases from their lips. She is very discreet about speaking on the matters at hand. My opinion is she is frustrated with how people could just lie to her face. Or the ones that would and have tried to cause a divide between us.
But in the end she always say. "They will have to answer for what they have done come judgement day."

I will list the things they have done in regards to my mothers estate, in my next blog. I will also list what my mother had for assets and belongings.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I was asked by someone who read my blog this question. How dose one get child support, from a dead beat parent like my brother. There are many ways that come to mind. But I will share with you all, the legal way to go about it. Listed below is what I found published on line in a law book. I post it in hopes that it may help others deal with dead beat parents out there.

Assistance in Enforcing Child Support Orders

There are several different places where you can look for assistance if you are seeking to enforce an order for past-due child support.
State and District Attorneys State attorneys or district attorneys are available to help with collection of child support, though their efficiency varies from district to district. Some parents to whom support is due have complained of delays in handling of support claims. State attorneys provide their services at no costs to parents who are receiving public aid. If parents do not receive public aid, a state attorney also can still provide assistance, but a small charge (usually less than $25) may apply.
Private Attorneys Private attorneys can also help parents with collection of child support. The attorney’s normal rates will apply, although some attorneys may be willing the handle the case for a contingency fee, which means the lawyer will take a portion of whatever is collected, but the client will not have to pay the attorney if nothing is collected. The permissibility of using contingency fees to collect past-due support varies from state to state. The amount of the contingency fee also varies, but a payment to the attorney of one-third of the amount collected is a common arrangement.
Attorney fees also can be assessed against the party who was supposed to pay support, but did not. In that case, the parent who was supposed to pay support will pay for the attorney of the other parent in addition to his or her own attorney fees.
Collection Agencies Another way of collecting past-due child support is to use a collection agency. Some collection agencies will handle collection of child support just as they handle collection of business debts or credit card debts. Collection agencies usually charge a contingency fee. Collection agencies can be found through the Yellow Pages (particularly the “Business” volume of the Yellow Pages, if there is a separate volume for business-related services).
Federal Prosecution Although prosecutors involved in punishing parents who do not pay child support usually work for state or county governments, federal prosecutors can get involved too. In 1992, Congress passed the Child Support Recovery Act, which makes it a federal crime to willfully fail to pay child support to a child who resides in another state if the past-due amount has been unpaid for more than one year or exceeds $5,000. Punishments under the federal law include up to six months imprisonment and a $5,000 fine for a first offense, and up to two years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine for a repeat offense.
Federal prosecutors are not the primary enforcers of past-due child support payments. Most U.S. Attorneys prefer to use their resources for larger scale criminal activity, although they will pursue some of the more egregious cases. For parents seeking government help in collecting child support, local prosecutors are likely to have more to offer than federal prosecutors, unless the amount of past-due support is very large and the obligor lives in a different state than the parent to whom support is due.
One egregious case that arose before passage of the federal law was handled by Arizona prosecutors. A thirty-five year-old man was ordered to pay $600 per month support for his three children, but never made a payment, according to Arizona child support officials. The man moved from state to state, changing the spelling of his name and his Social Security number four times in an effort to avoid collection of support. When prosecutors finally caught up with the man ten years after the original support order, the man owed $108,000 in past-due support and interest. He was sentenced to one and a-half years in prison.
Most parents who owe support do not make such a career out of avoiding support obligations. Nonetheless enforcement of support can be difficult.

Collecting Past-Due Child Support

The following is a checklist of techniques for collection of past-due child support can be collected through the following methods:

Wage withholding orders. Wage withholding orders are entered by a court and served on the employer of the parent who owes support. The employer sends payments to the government, which then sends support payments to the parent to whom support is owed.

Refund intercepts. The government sends a notice to the Internal Revenue Service or the state department of revenue, directing that the obligor’s tax refund be sent to the government for payment of support.

Liens on property. A lien can be placed on the real estate, automobile, or other property of the obligor. If support is not paid, the property can be confiscated and sold. Alternatively, the lien may stay on the property until it is sold by the obligor, at which point, the debt must be paid before the obligor receives any proceeds from the sale.

Contempt of court. The person to whom support is due or the government can ask a court to hold the obligor in contempt of court for willful failure to pay support. If found guilty of contempt of court, the obligor can be jailed, fined, or both.

Collection agencies. Some collection agencies are willing to help collect past-due support, just as they collect past-due commercial debts. Collection agencies usually charge a portion of the amount collected.

Revocation of licenses. States will revoke the driver’s license or professional licenses of persons who have not paid child support.

Establishing a trust. If it appears likely that an obligor will not make future child support payments, but the obligor has assets from which support could be paid, in some states a court can order the obligor to establish a trust for the benefit of the child, thus insuring that funds are available to pay support.

Child Support and Visitation

Child support and visitation are independent rights and obligations. If a parent is not receiving child support, the remedy for that parent is to go to court (or activate a wage withholding order) to collect child support. The parent who is supposed to receive child support may not deny visitation or contact with the child because support was not paid.
Similarly, if visitation or contact with the child is blocked by the custodial parent, the legal remedy for the noncustodial parent is to go to court to obtain an order enforcing visitation. The noncustodial parent may not cut off or reduce child support because the custodial parent interfered with visitation.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Rose Ann Hover Ledbetter

I will start by introducing my mother. I will use the first part of her obituary that I wrote and The Berkshire Eagle published in June of 2008.
Rose Ann Hover Ledbetter, 53, of Pittsfield passed away on May 30, 2008, at Bay state Medical Center in Springfield from complications from a hart attack suffered on May 23.

The oldest daughter of the late Edward and Ann Hover of Dalton. Rose grew up in the town of Dalton, and attended school in the Central Berkshire school district. While growing up, she was a member of St Agnes Catholic Church. Rose worked for many years for Meridian, where she was a home health aide and care giver.

My mother had two younger sisters. Eileen and a sister I will refer to as Aunt No toes. My mother was definitely the rebel or black sheep of her family. My mother was not a law breaker but she seemed to find lots of trouble or some would say it found her. LOL! My mother was her own person in so many ways good and bad. Her relationships with certain family members and friends differed in so many ways on so many levels. My mothers relationship with her parents was tested many time as she was growing up. But they never stoped loving her. They did at one point cut communications with her due to her rush into her second marriage with my step father. They did have good reasons, due to the fact they had spent their hard earned money to help get her back on track from her failed relationship with my Birth father. There is a lot more to that storie. I will writ more about it in a future blog. My mothers relationship with her sisters over the years varied from good to fair for the most part. My aunt Eileen was the second born in my moms family. They talked by phone every once in awhile. When they did my mother tend to go on about drama in her life, or call and ask for a favor (money). But Eileen would say yes or no politely and if need be would just say I need to go. I will go into greater details in a future blog. As for aunt No toes, Mom and her were really close. They would hang out together talk a lot on phone too. Aunt No Toes, would baby sit us kids a lot for mom along with aunt Eileen. But in the end they did not care for one another at all. They were polite in matters of communications regarding aunt No Toes, youngest child. Who was in the custody of her ex Husband. There is much more to this in a future blog as well. As for me my relationship with my mother, it was not normal by no means. My mother like to play favorites among her 4 boys when we were growing up. My mother favored my dead brother Anthony, over me. She later favored my two younger brothers over me and my brother Anthony. No parent should ever favor one child over the other. They should love all their children unconditionally and equally. This was a concept that escaped my mother completely. This was not how my mother was raised by her parents. She grew up in a loving and stable home. My mother was at times very mean to me growing up. She was verbally, mentally, and physically, abusive to me. Some family members would also say neglectfully at times. I was not the only child in are home that got beat. I will go more into details in Future blogs about this.

But in the end I can say, I and my mother, had built a better relationship along with stronger communications between us both. Well that's it for today will have more tomorrow blog.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Beginnings

This will be the beginnings of many blogs about people in my family. What I'm about to embark on is a journey talking about my family members good and bad. I will be honest and strait to the point about these members. I will voice my thoughts and opinions in regards to each member. I will also include public documents and photos from time to time. I will use only first names of some family members. Others I may use names that I or others have given them that best suits them. I am not looking to make money off of this. But I have been told it make a great book. I do welcome all comments or feed back on my blogs. That means good and bad comments. I do ask that you be Honest and discreet about what you put. If your going to make a statement please keep it honest and have facts to back it up. Please put your full name with it also. I will try to follow up on all comments left and will try to confirm or verify if factual or not.
Joseph E Hover