Friday, December 26, 2008

Real Christmess

Well I hope everyone had a good Christmas, that celebrates it on the December 25th.
I this year have decided to celebrate it on the correct date of January 7th. Some of you are probably scratching your heads wondering what is he talking about? Well like I said I am a history buff and found out the truth about Christmas. Over the past several hundreds of years what started out as a celebration of Jesus Christ birth. Has turned into a materialists greed fest I am sick and disgusted with it like many other. So I did some research and this is what I found out.

Christmas Story: General Introduction

The Christmas story is the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in the town of Bethlehem, Israel. Jesus "Christ" is known as the founder or central figure of "Christianity." Christmas is a Christian holiday on December 25 that commemorates the birth of Jesus. Ancient Romans also commemorated Jesus' birth by marking a division of the calendar still in use today. The years before Jesus' birth are marked as B.C. (Before Christ), and the years after Jesus' birth are marked A.D. (Anno Domini, which means, in the year of our Lord).
Christmas literally means the Mass (celebration) of Christ. "Christ" is a Greek word and title, meaning "anointed" or one set apart by God for a special purpose. "Christ" is equivalent to the Hebrew word "Messiah." Based on the words of ancient prophets, the first century Jewish people expected the arrival of the Messiah promised by God as a great deliver of the people.

The Great Schism

The doctrine of the Christian Church was established over the centuries at Councils dating from as early as 325CE where the leaders from all the Christian communities were represented. The Eastern Church recognizes the authority of the Councils of Nicea 325 CE, Constantinople I (381), Ephesus (431) Chalcedon (451) Constantinople II (553), Constantinople III (680) and Nicaea II (787).
Although initially the Eastern and Western Christians shared the same faith, the two traditions began to divide after the seventh Ecumenical Council in 787 CE and is commonly believed to have finally split over the conflict with Rome in the so called Great Schism in 1054.
In particular this happened over the papal claim to supreme authority and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. The break became final with the failure of the Council of Florence in the fifteenth century.
However, in the minds of most Orthodox, a decisive moment was the sack of Constantinople in 1204 during the (Western Christian) Fourth Crusade. The sacking of Constantinople by the Crusaders eventually led to the loss of this Byzantine capital to the Muslim Ottomans in 1453. This has never been forgotten.
The divisions between the East and Western Churches happened gradually over the centuries as the Roman Empire fragmented.
Eventually, while the Eastern Churches maintained the principle that the Church should keep to the local language of the community, Latin became the language of the Western Church.
Until the schism the five great patriarchal sees were Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. After the break with Rome Orthodoxy became 'Eastern' and the dominant expression of Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean, much of Asia Minor, Russian and Balkans.

Most Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on 7 January each year, according to the Julian (or Old Calendar) such as those in Russia, Serbia, Jerusalem, but some others celebrate it on 25 December, according to the Gregorian (or new calendar) such as those in many Western countries.

So with all that said you can figure out we have been living a lie. As to what the true date of Christmas is. Set forth by Romans and the power of greed. I chose not to follow this lie no more. I do encourage you to research this. And maybe open the eyes of many as mine have been opened.

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